Home Repair
& Renovations
I specialize in small-to-medium projects, serving the south and west ends of Ottawa. I take pride in my work and guarantee everything I do. If you’re looking for reliable, quality work at a very reasonable price, give me a call.







I offer a wide array of services, from designing the layout of your new basement or backyard deck and building them to painting your powder room and replacing your toilet and everything in between. Although I can do many repairs and renovations, there are times when a licensed professional is required and that’s when I’ll call one of my many professional associates to help out. I am honest and upfront and if I can’t do your project, for whatever reason, I’ll tell you.

My background is graphic and creative design. I have worked in the marketing communications
industry for 4 decades, mostly as a business owner. And during that time, I did a lot of home repair and renovations. You could say it was my second love. Over the years, I have designed and built 4 full basements, many descks, bathroom and kitchen remodeling and the list goes on. But most recently, I’ve built a 900 square foot addition onto my home, completely renovated my kitchen from the studs out, constructed a cedar privacy fence and gazebo, turned my garage into an all-season workshop… and I’m not done yet. All this to say, even though this is a new venture for me, which I’m very excited about, I have many years of experience doing stuff!

Feel free to call to discuss your project.
Or you can send me an email with a description of what you have in mind.
Phil Jones
613•325•6686 or phil@ozgood.ca
I accept cash, cheque or eTransfer. GST/HST No. 786 239 087 RT0001
Web site designed by ozgood creative & design